Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Get Well Tag

It's been a long time since I last posted on this blog, so I thought I would post these pictures of a tag that I made for a tag swap that I participate in. As part of July's tag swap we were asked to create a special tag for one of the frequent swappers, so here is what I came with. I saw a video on You Tube, below is the link:

This video was truly the inspiration for the tag that I made and I hope Deborah likes it.

This is how the tag looks all put together

Here is the tag with the sentiment taken out of it, it could be re-used for a gift card or it can be given to someone else.

This is the back of the tag and the back of the sentiment. I added an envelope to the back of the tag to add my personal information. I also added used a stamp with a nice saying on the back of what I am calling the sentiment.

Well that's it for today, I hope you enjoyed the pictures, please leave a comment.
